What Size Cage Does a Kakariki Need?

what size cage does a kakariki need

If you’re the proud owner of a Kakariki bird, providing them with a suitable living space is crucial. One of the essential factors to consider is the cage size. A cramped cage can result in an unhappy bird with behavioural and health problems. However, choosing the right cage size can ensure your bird’s well-being and happiness.

When thinking about what size cage does a Kakariki need there are a few things to consider. Here are the key takeaways.

Key Takeaways

  • An adequate cage size is crucial for a Kakariki bird’s well-being and comfort.
  • A small, cramped cage can result in behavioural and health problems for the bird.
  • Choosing the right cage size can ensure the bird’s happiness and contentment.

Understanding Kakariki Birds

Kakariki birds are small parakeets native to New Zealand. These birds are known for their playful and curious nature and can make excellent pets for those who understand their needs. In the wild, kakarikis inhabit forests, grasslands, and scrublands and thrive in environments similar to their natural habitat. When kept in captivity, it is important to replicate as many elements of their natural habitat as possible to ensure their health and well-being.

One of the most critical aspects of providing an appropriate environment for kakariki birds is adequate space. Kakarikis are active birds that require plenty of room to move and exercise. A cramped living space can lead to stress, boredom, and even health problems. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the size and dimensions of the kakariki enclosure before bringing one into your home.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Kakariki Cage Size

When choosing a suitable cage size for your kakariki bird, there are several factors to consider. These include the bird’s size, activity level, and need for ample space.

Kakariki birds are energetic and require plenty of room to move around and exercise. A cage that is too small can lead to stress, boredom, and even health problems. On the other hand, a cage that is too large can make your bird feel insecure and overwhelmed. Therefore, it is important to find the right balance when selecting a cage size.

The optimal Kakariki cage size should provide enough space for the bird to move around comfortably. A good rule of thumb is to choose a cage that is at least twice the bird’s wing span in length, width, and height. This will ensure the bird has enough space to flap its wings and move around without feeling cramped.

Another factor to consider is the bird’s activity level. If your Kakariki bird is particularly active, it will require a larger cage to accommodate its need for movement and exercise. However, if your bird is more sedentary, a smaller cage may be sufficient.

It’s also important to consider the need for cage features, such as perches, toys, and food and water bowls. These features take up valuable cage space and should be accommodated when determining the cage size.

Recommended Dimensions for a Kakariki Cage

Based on the factors outlined above, the minimum recommended cage dimensions for a kakariki bird are:

Minimum Cage Dimensions

These dimensions will provide enough space for your Kakariki bird to move around comfortably. Of course, if your bird is particularly active, you may want to consider a larger cage.

In addition to the cage size, it’s important to provide your kakariki bird with plenty of mental stimulation and physical exercise. This can be achieved by using toys, perches, and other accessories that encourage movement and activity.

By choosing the appropriate cage size for your kakariki bird, you can help ensure its health, happiness, and overall well-being.

Minimum Cage Dimensions for Kakariki Birds

When selecting a suitable cage size for a Kakariki bird, it is important to consider its comfort and safety. The minimum recommended cage dimensions for a single Kakariki bird are:

Cage dimensionMinimum size
Height60cm (24 inches)
Width60cm (24 inches)
Depth60cm (24 inches)

These dimensions provide enough space for the bird to move around comfortably. However, it is recommended that a larger cage be provided if possible. A larger cage allows the bird to exercise and fly more freely, promoting its physical and mental well-being.

The cage should also have perches and toys to keep the bird entertained and mentally stimulated. It is important to ensure these features are accommodated within the cage space to avoid overcrowding.

Remember, the minimum recommended cage dimensions are just that – the minimum. Providing a larger cage will greatly benefit your Kakariki bird’s happiness and overall health.

Ideal Cage Size for Kakariki Birds

Providing an ideal cage size for kakariki birds is crucial for their physical and mental health. A larger cage size enables them to move around freely, play, and exercise, stimulating their minds and bodies. A cramped or small cage can lead to boredom, stress, and even health problems. So, what is the ideal cage size for a kakariki bird?

The minimum recommended cage size for a kakariki bird is 2ft x 2ft x 3ft, but this is just a starting point. A larger cage is always better, and the cage size is often recommended to be at least three times the bird’s wingspan. For a kakariki, a cage size of 4ft x 4ft x 6ft or larger would be ideal. A cage of this size provides ample space for the kakariki to fly, climb, and play.

Factors to Consider When Choosing an Ideal Cage Size

When determining the ideal cage size for a kakariki bird, there are several factors to consider:

  • Size of the bird: The kakariki bird’s size should be considered when selecting a suitable cage size. A larger bird will require a larger cage to accommodate its size.
  • Activity level: Kakarikis are active birds that require ample space to move around and exercise. A larger cage provides more room for the bird to fly and play, keeping it mentally stimulated and physically fit.
  • Number of birds: If you have more than one kakariki bird, a larger cage must provide enough space for each bird to move around freely and avoid territorial conflicts.

Benefits of a Larger Cage Size

Providing a larger cage size for a Kakariki bird has numerous benefits:

  • Physical activity: A larger cage size enables the kakariki to fly and move around freely, keeping it physically fit and healthy.
  • Mental stimulation: A larger cage size provides more opportunities for the kakariki to play and explore, keeping it mentally stimulated and avoiding boredom.
  • Preventing health problems: A cramped or small cage can lead to stress, boredom, and health problems, such as feather plucking, overgrown nails, and obesity. A larger cage size can help prevent these issues and keep the bird healthy.

Providing an ideal cage size for a kakariki bird is essential for its well-being and happiness. A larger cage provides more space for the bird to move freely, play, and exercise, keeping it physically and mentally healthy. Choosing the right cage size for your kakariki will ensure that it leads a happy and fulfilling life in captivity.

Cage Features for Kakariki Birds

When selecting the best cage size for a kakariki, it is essential to consider the features included within the space to ensure the bird’s comfort and well-being. Various features will keep the bird mentally stimulated and entertained, reducing the risk of boredom and stress.


Perches should be included in the cage design to allow the bird to rest and move around comfortably. The diameter of the perch should be appropriate for the bird’s feet, allowing for a secure grip. Various perch sizes and materials can offer diverse textures and shapes, promoting exercise and foot health.


Toys are essential to a kakariki’s cage, stimulating the bird’s mind and preventing boredom. Various toys, such as bells, ladders, and swings, should be included. However, it is essential to avoid overcrowding the cage with toys, as this can limit the bird’s space and mobility.

Food and Water Bowls

Proper placement of food and water bowls within the cage is crucial. These should be positioned away from perches and toys to avoid contamination and spills. The feeders should be secured to the cage to prevent movement and spillage. Providing separate bowls for fruits and vegetables will encourage a diverse and balanced diet.

Other Considerations

When determining the optimal cage size for a kakariki, it is important to consider including features such as nesting boxes, bird baths, and feeding platforms, if relevant for the bird species.

Tip: Ensure that the total width, height, and depth of the cage is sufficient to place all the necessary features without overcrowding the space.

Cage Placement and Environment for Kakariki Birds

Choosing the right cage size is essential to providing a comfortable and safe environment for your Kakariki. However, it is also important to consider the placement of the cage and the surrounding environment.

When positioning the cage, it is important to avoid areas with direct sunlight, drafts, and excessive noise. The cage should also be placed away from windows and doors to avoid changes in temperature and humidity levels. A stable and consistent environment is essential for the bird’s comfort and well-being.

The temperature in the room should be maintained between 18-26°C, with a humidity level of around 40-70%. Kakariki birds are sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity, and extremes can cause stress and illness.

It is also best to keep the cage in a quiet area to avoid disturbing the bird’s sleep and provide a calm and stress-free environment. The cell should also be positioned at a suitable height to allow easy access for cleaning and maintenance.

Overall, ensuring the appropriate placement and environment of the kakariki cage, in addition to selecting the right size enclosure, will contribute to a happy and healthy bird.

Cleaning and Maintaining the Kakariki Cage

Regular cleaning and maintenance of the Kakariki cage are essential for ensuring the bird’s health and well-being. Here are some tips to keep the cage in good condition:

  • Remove any uneaten food and replace the water and food bowls daily.
  • Clean the cage bottom weekly, removing droppings and debris, using bird-safe cleaning agents.
  • Replace any damaged perches, toys, or other accessories in the cage to avoid any potential injuries for the kakariki.
  • Give the cage a thorough cleaning every few months, including washing all surfaces with soap and water and rinsing well.
  • Check the cage regularly for any signs of wear and tear, making sure to repair or replace any damaged parts.

Remember, maintaining a clean and hygienic living environment is crucial for your kakariki’s health and longevity.

Following these cleaning and maintenance tips ensures that the kakariki cage remains a safe, comfortable, and healthy home for your feathered friend.

Cage Size Recommendations for Different Kakariki Species

When choosing a cage for your kakariki bird, it is important to consider the specific species of the bird. Different species have unique characteristics and needs that should be considered when determining the appropriate cage size. Below are some general guidelines for some of the most common kakariki species:

Kakariki SpeciesOptimal Cage Dimensions
Red-Fronted KakarikiA minimum cage size of 24x18x18 inches (60x45x45 cm) is recommended. However, a larger cage is always better for this active and curious bird.
Yellow-Crowned KakarikiThis species is known for its acrobatic abilities and requires plenty of space for movement. A minimum cage size of 30x18x18 inches (75x45x45 cm) is recommended, with a larger enclosure being even better.
Western Red-Crowned KakarikiThis species is known for its acrobatic abilities and requires plenty of space for movement. A minimum cage size of 30x18x18 inches (75x45x45 cm) is recommended, with a larger enclosure even better.

It is important to note that these are general guidelines and that the optimal cage size will vary based on the individual bird’s needs and personality. It is always better to err on the side of a larger cage to ensure that your kakariki has ample space for physical activity and mental stimulation.


Providing an adequate cage size for kakariki birds is crucial for their health and happiness. As discussed throughout this article, replicating their natural environment and accommodating their physical and mental stimulation needs is key to a bird’s well-being.

When choosing a cage size for your kakariki bird, it is essential to consider the bird’s size, activity level, and the need for ample space for movement and exercise. Providing appropriate cage features, such as perches, toys, and food and water bowls, is also crucial in creating a suitable living environment for your bird.

Cage placement and the surrounding environment should also be considered, keeping the cage away from drafts, direct sunlight, and noise. Regular cage cleaning and maintenance are vital for the bird’s health, and any damaged parts should be promptly repaired or replaced.

While specific kakariki species may have unique characteristics and needs regarding cage size, providing the recommended minimum dimensions and an ideal larger enclosure can significantly benefit the bird’s happiness and well-being.

In conclusion, providing an appropriate cage size for your kakariki bird ensures a comfortable and stimulating environment that promotes its overall health and longevity.


Q: What size cage does a kakariki need?

A: The appropriate cage size for a kakariki bird is important for its well-being and comfort. Your bird’s size and activity level will impact the cage size you need for your bird. At a minimum, the cage should be at least three times your bird’s wingspan.

Q: What should I consider when choosing a kakariki cage size?

A: Factors such as the bird’s size, activity level, and the need for ample space for movement and exercise should be considered when selecting a cage size.

Q: What are the minimum cage dimensions for kakariki birds?

A: The minimum cage dimensions recommended for kakariki birds include cage height, width, and depth guidelines to ensure the bird’s comfort and safety.

Q: What is the ideal cage size for kakariki birds?

A: The ideal cage size for kakariki birds should provide enough space for physical activity, mental stimulation, and overall well-being.

Q: Are there any specific cage size recommendations for different kakariki species?

A: Different Kakariki species may have specific cage size recommendations based on their unique characteristics and needs.

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