What are Kakarikis Like as Pets: A Guide

what are kakarikis like as pets

A Kakariki might be the perfect fit if you’re looking for a friendly and entertaining pet bird. These small parrots are native to New Zealand and are known for their vibrant plumage and playful personality.

As pets, Kakarikis are highly engaging and enjoy interacting with their human owners. They love attention and have an inquisitive nature, making them excellent companions.

This article will examine the question, What are Kakarikis like as pets? So you can better understand what these amazing birds are like to live with.

Key Takeaways:

  • Kakarikis are colourful, small parrots from New Zealand.
  • They are friendly and playful pets that love human interaction.

Kakariki Pet Behaviour

Kakarikis are highly intelligent birds and make great pets for those seeking an interactive and social companion. These birds are known for their playful and curious nature, and they enjoy interacting with their owners and exploring their surroundings.

One of the most endearing traits of Kakarikis is their vocalizations. They are highly communicative birds and often chatter to their owners with a range of whistles, trills, and chirps.

Kakariki Pet Sociability

Kakarikis are social birds and thrive on interaction with their owners. They enjoy playing games, learning new tricks, and being given attention and affection. While they are content to entertain themselves, they are much happier when they regularly interact with their human family.

It’s important to note that Kakarikis are not solitary birds and should be kept in pairs or small groups if possible. This will provide them with social stimulation and prevent loneliness and boredom. However, if a single bird is kept, it will bond closely with its owner and become very affectionate.

Kakariki Pet Playfulness

Kakarikis are known for their playful nature, and they enjoy interacting with toys and games. Providing your pet with a range of toys will help stimulate their minds and prevent boredom, which can result in undesirable behaviours such as feather plucking or excessive vocalizations.

Various toys can include puzzle games, ropes, swings, bells, and foraging toys. Each bird will have its preferences, so it is essential to try several toy types to see which ones your bird prefers.

Providing your Kakariki with opportunities to play outside its cage is also crucial. This will allow your pet to stretch its wings and explore its surroundings under supervision. Ensure the area is safe and free from any potential hazards, such as electrical wires.

Kakariki Pet Care

Caring for a Kakariki as a pet requires attention to their dietary needs, housing requirements, and daily routine. Here are the essential aspects of Kakariki pet care to keep your feathered friend happy and healthy.

Kakariki Pet Diet

Feeding your Kakariki a balanced and nutritious diet is crucial for their well-being. They require a diet rich in fresh vegetables, fruits, and protein. Along with commercial bird food, variety is key, and feeding them the same food daily may lead to nutritional deficiencies.

As a general guideline, a Kakariki’s diet should consist of:

Food typeAmount
Fresh fruits and vegetables3-4 portions per day
Commercial bird food1-2 tablespoons per day
Protein source (e.g. cooked egg, legumes, tofu)1-2 times per week

Ensure to avoid feeding your Kakariki any foods toxic to birds, such as avocados, caffeine, and chocolate.

Kakariki Pet Housing

Kakarikis are active birds requiring a spacious cage to move around and play. The minimum cage size for one bird is approximately 80cm x 60cm x 60cm, with bar spacing no wider than 1.2cm. Providing perches of different sizes, textures, and shapes is vital for their foot health and exercise.

Keep the cage in a warm, draft-free location and provide plenty of natural light, but avoid direct sunlight as it can overheat the bird. Regular cleaning of the cell and surrounding area is necessary to maintain hygiene and reduce the risk of respiratory problems.

Kakariki Pet Daily Care

Kakarikis are social birds and need regular interaction and stimulation. Spend time with your bird each day, talking to them, offering toys and activities, and allowing them to explore outside the cage in a safe, supervised environment.

Check their food and water supply daily and replace them as needed. Cleaning the cage and changing the bedding should be done weekly, or more frequently if necessary.

By following these Kakariki pet care guidelines, you can provide your feathered friend with a happy and healthy life as a beloved member of your household.

Kakariki Pet Personality

Kakarikis are renowned for their charming and affectionate personalities, making them great pets for bird lovers. These energetic birds are often called “clowns” due to their playful and comical antics.

Kakarikis are highly sociable and enjoy interacting with their human companions. They have a curious nature and love exploring their surroundings, often perching on their owner’s shoulder or head to get a better view.

One of the most endearing aspects of Kakarikis as pets is their ability to form strong bonds with their owners. They thrive on attention and affection, delighting in cuddles and scratches behind the head.

Kakarikis are also known for their vocalizations. They are not as noisy as some parrot species but can emit a range of chirps, whistles, and squawks to communicate with their owners. They are quick learners and can often learn words or phrases with training.

If you are looking for a lively, engaging, and full-of personality pet, a Kakariki could be the perfect choice for you.

Training a Kakariki as a Pet

Kakarikis are intelligent and highly trainable birds, making them excellent pets for those willing to invest time and effort into their education. As with any animal, positive reinforcement techniques work best, and patience is key to achieving success.

Step 1: Socialization

Start by allowing your Kakariki to get comfortable with its new surroundings and human companions. Offer your bird treats and compliments when it ventures out of the cage, and gradually introduce it to different people, sounds, and environments. This will help build trust and bond between you and your pet.

Step 2: Basic Commands

Teach your Kakariki basic commands, such as “step up” and “step down,” using treats and gestures. Choose a designated spot for training sessions and follow your commands and rewards. Gradually increase the difficulty and duration of the exercises as your bird becomes more comfortable and confident.

Step 3: Trick Training

Kakarikis are natural performers and enjoy entertaining their owners. Once your bird has mastered basic commands, you can introduce it to trick training. Some popular tricks include fetching, waving, and playing dead. Use a clicker to mark desired behaviour and reward your bird with treats or toys.

Step 4: House Training

Kakarikis can be trained to use a designated area for toileting purposes, reducing the need for constant cleaning. Place a small tray or perch in the designated spot and reward your bird for using it. Be patient and consistent, and your Kakariki will likely catch on quickly.

Remember to keep training sessions short and sweet, and always end on a positive note. Your Kakariki can become a well-trained and obedient companion with patience and dedication.

Kakariki Pet Diet

Feeding your Kakariki a well-balanced diet is essential for its health and well-being. As omnivorous birds, their diet should consist of both plant and animal-based foods.

Offer a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, such as kale, spinach, apple, and carrot. Supplement this with high-quality pellets that contain essential vitamins and minerals. Avoid feeding your Kakariki sugary or salty snacks like chocolate, chips, or processed foods.

Water is also an essential part of a Kakariki’s diet. Provide fresh, clean water in a bowl that is changed daily. Some Kakarikis may enjoy bathing in their water, so consider providing a larger bowl or shallow tray.

It’s important to note that seeds should only make up a small portion of their diet. While they enjoy these treats, seeds lack the necessary nutrients for a balanced diet.

TIP: Remember to clean your Kakariki’s food and water bowls thoroughly each day to prevent the build-up of harmful bacteria.

Kakariki Pet Health

Keeping a Kakariki as a pet requires responsible ownership and good knowledge of their health requirements. Like any bird species, they can be prone to specific health issues, so providing a healthy environment and scheduling regular veterinary check-ups is essential.

Some health conditions commonly seen in Kakarikis include:

Health ConditionSymptoms
Feather plucking/lossBald patches on the body
Respiratory problemsVomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite
Gastrointestinal issuesVomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite

If you notice any of these symptoms or any other concerning signs, taking your Kakariki to a qualified avian veterinarian for a check-up immediately is essential.

To maintain your Kakariki’s health, provide them with a balanced diet that includes a variety of fruits, vegetables, and high-quality bird feed. Avoid feeding them fatty or sugary foods that can lead to obesity and other health complications. Fresh water should be provided daily, and their cage should be cleaned regularly to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other harmful pathogens.

A well-socialized and happy Kakariki will have a healthy immune system, so providing your pet with plenty of mental and physical stimulation through playtime, environmental enrichment, and interaction with other birds or humans is vital.

Additionally, it’s important to be aware of the signs of a healthy Kakariki, such as clear eyes, a clean bill of health from a veterinarian, and feathers that are clean and free of damage or bald spots.

Kakariki Pet Habitat

When it comes to creating the ideal habitat for your Kakariki pet, several important factors must be considered.

Cage size: A suitable cage should be large enough for your bird to move freely and stretch its wings. The minimum recommendation is 24 inches wide, 24 inches deep, and 24 inches tall. However, the bigger the cage, the better, as it allows your bird more room to explore.

Perches: Offer perches of different sizes made of natural wood to allow your Kakariki to exercise its feet and beak. Avoid perches made of sandpaper or concrete, as they can cause foot problems.

Toys: Kakarikis are highly active and playful birds. Provide them with plenty of toys, such as swings, bells, and chewable toys, to keep them entertained and stimulated.

Environmental enrichment: Encourage your Kakariki’s instincts by offering them foraging opportunities, such as hiding food in their cage for them to find. You can also provide them with a bird bath or a shallow dish of water for them to splash around in.

It is essential to keep your Kakariki’s habitat clean and hygienic. Clean the cage and all accessories regularly with a bird-safe cleaner and water. Avoid using any harsh chemicals that could be harmful to your bird.

Kakariki Pet Interaction with Humans and Other Pets

Kakarikis have a friendly and sociable personality, making them excellent pets for bird lovers who enjoy interacting with their feathered companions. They are curious and intelligent birds and enjoy company, including that of their human owners and other pets in the household.

Interaction with Humans

Kakarikis thrive on socialization, and it is important to spend time with them daily to maintain their mental and emotional well-being. They love to perch on their owner’s shoulder, snuggle up close, and engage in playful games and trick training.

Establishing trust and developing a bond with your Kakariki is essential. Start by offering treats and speaking softly to your pet, and gradually progress to handling and physical interaction. Never force your bird to do anything they do not want to do, as it can damage the bond of trust between you.

Interaction with Other Pets

Kakarikis can coexist peacefully with other pets, including cats and dogs, provided the introduction process is gradual and calm. However, it is crucial to supervise all interactions, especially at the beginning, to prevent aggressive behaviour from one animal towards the other.

It is recommended to keep your Kakariki in a separate room when you are not around to ensure their safety, and it is also important to offer them plenty of opportunities for socialisation with their human family members to prevent feelings of loneliness.

Providing your Kakariki with appropriate toys and activities can also help them to keep entertained and prevent boredom.

Kakarikis as Family Pets

Kakarikis can make excellent family pets, with their friendly and playful nature makes them great companions for children and adults alike. However, it’s important to consider a few key factors before bringing one into your home.

Suitability for Children

Kakarikis can be a great fit for families with children, but it’s important to teach children how to handle them gently and respectfully. These birds have delicate bones and can easily be injured if mishandled, so adult supervision is also necessary. Kakarikis are generally friendly and gentle with children, making them a great choice for families.

Adaptability to Household Dynamics

Kakarikis are adaptable birds and can thrive in a variety of household dynamics. However, they can be sensitive to changes in routine or surroundings, so it’s important to maintain a consistent environment for their wellbeing. Additionally, their playful and vocal nature may not be suitable for households with very small living spaces or where noise is a concern.

Responsibilities Involved

Like any pet, owning a Kakariki comes with responsibilities and commitments. These birds require daily care, including feeding, cleaning their cage, and providing mental and physical enrichment. Kakarikis can also be noisy sometimes, which may require patience and understanding from their owners. With the right care and attention, Kakarikis can make wonderful additions to family life.

Kakariki Pet Lifespan and Availability

Kakarikis are generally hardy birds that can live in captivity for up to 15 years with proper care. Their lifespan can be affected by various factors, such as diet, environment, and genetics, so providing them with a healthy and stimulating lifestyle is essential to maximize their longevity.

When it comes to availability, Kakarikis are not as commonly found as other popular pet birds, such as budgerigars or cockatiels. However, they are becoming more popular as pets and can be found at specialist bird breeders or avian stores. It is important to be cautious when obtaining a Kakariki as a pet, ensuring they are bred ethically and have not been taken from the wild.

If you want to add a Kakariki to your household, it is advisable to do some research and find a reputable breeder or store with a good reputation. It may also be worth considering adopting a bird from a local rescue centre, as Kakarikis may need a loving home.


Kakarikis can make fantastic pets for bird enthusiasts looking for a playful, intelligent, and affectionate companion. Their sociable nature and vocalizations make them a joy to interact with, and their ability to learn tricks and commands means that they can be trained to perform various tasks.

When caring for a Kakariki pet, providing them with a nutritious diet, a comfortable home environment, and regular veterinary check-ups is vital to ensure their ongoing health and wellbeing. Their compatibility with other household pets and children should also be considered, as well as the responsibilities involved in looking after them.

While they may not be as commonly kept as other pet bird species, Kakarikis are readily available from reputable breeders and specialist pet stores. With proper care and attention, they can live for up to 15 years, making them a long-term commitment but rewarding for those who take the time to develop a strong bond with them.



Q: What are Kakarikis Like as Pets?

A: Kakarikis are small parrots native to New Zealand known for their lively and playful nature. They make great companions for bird enthusiasts due to their curious and sociable personalities.

Q: What is the behaviour of Kakariki pets?

A: Kakarikis are intelligent and social birds that thrive on interaction and mental stimulation. They are highly active and love to play, explore, and engage in various activities.

Q: How should I care for a Kakariki pet?

A: Caring for a Kakariki involves a balanced diet with various fruits, vegetables, pellets, and seeds. They require a spacious cage with toys and perches for exercise and mental stimulation. Daily care includes cleaning, fresh water, and regular interaction.

Q: What is the personality of a Kakariki pet?

A: Kakarikis are known for their affectionate and friendly nature. They have the ability to form strong bonds with their owners and enjoy being the centre of attention. They are also vocal birds and may communicate through chirps and squawks.

Q: Can Kakarikis be trained as pets?

A: Yes, Kakarikis are intelligent birds and can be trained to learn tricks, respond to commands, and even be house-trained. Positive reinforcement methods such as treats and praise work well in training these birds.

Q: What should I feed my Kakariki pet?

A: Kakarikis require a balanced diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, quality pellets, and seeds. It is important to provide a variety of foods to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

Q: How do I ensure the health of my Kakariki pet?

A: Regular veterinary check-ups, a clean environment, and a balanced diet are crucial for maintaining the health of a Kakariki pet. Watch for signs of illness and provide mental and physical stimulation to prevent boredom.

Q: What is the ideal habitat setup for a Kakariki pet?

A: Kakarikis require a spacious cage with multiple perches, toys, and environmental enrichment such as branches and swings. The cage should be placed in a quiet area away from drafts and direct sunlight.

Q: How do Kakarikis interact with humans and other pets?

A: Kakarikis are generally friendly and enjoy interacting with their human owners. However, caution should be exercised when introducing them to other pets, as their reactions may vary. Proper socialization is key to ensuring positive interactions.

Q: Are Kakarikis suitable as family pets?

A: Kakarikis can make great family pets, but it’s important to ensure they are compatible with children and other pets in the household. Supervision and proper handling should be maintained to ensure the safety of both the bird and the family members.

Q: What is the lifespan of a Kakariki pet, and where can I get one?

A: Kakarikis have an average lifespan of 10 to 15 years in captivity. They can be purchased from reputable breeders or adopted from avian rescue organizations. It is essential to acquire a Kakariki from a responsible source to ensure the bird’s well-being.

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