Discover the Vibrant Kakariki Green – Your Guide to this Colorful Parakeet

Kakariki Green Parakeet - A Colourful Delight

Welcome to our guide on the Kakariki Green parakeet! If you’re a bird enthusiast, or simply looking for a pet with personality, then you’ll want to learn more about this stunning species. With its bright green feathers and playful demeanor, the Kakariki Green is a popular choice for bird lovers worldwide. Let’s dive in and discover more about this colorful parakeet!

Appearance and Coloration

The Kakariki Green parakeet is known for its stunning bright green plumage, which is a result of a unique mutation in its genes. This bird is small to medium-sized, typically measuring around 27cm in length, with a wingspan of 40-45cm. They have a short, hooked beak and strong legs.

Physical Characteristics

The Kakariki Green parakeet has a relatively short tail compared to other parakeet species. Their eyes are dark and beady, and the skin around their eyes is bare and white. They have a distinctive red crown on their head that distinguishes them from other parakeet species, and their primary feathers are often blue.


The Kakariki Green parakeet’s name comes from its vibrant green feathers, which are darker on the back and wings and lighter on the chest and belly. They have a yellow-green coloration on the forehead and cheeks, with a red or orange-red crown. Their beak is a pale grey color.

Native Habitat and Distribution

The Kakariki Green parakeet is a native bird of New Zealand, where it is found in a range of habitats, including forested areas, grasslands, and shrublands. Within these habitats, they can be found in both lowland and higher altitude regions.

Kakariki Green parakeets are also present on some offshore islands, such as the Hen and Chickens Islands, and the Poor Knights Islands. However, they are absent from the South Island of New Zealand.

These parakeets have a relatively restricted distribution range, due in part to habitat loss and fragmentation. Despite this, they are not currently listed as endangered, but their populations are considered to be vulnerable in certain regions.

There are currently ongoing conservation efforts to protect the Kakariki Green parakeet, including habitat restoration and predator control programs.

Behaviour and Diet

Kakariki Green parakeets are known for their social nature and active behaviour. They are extremely playful and love to interact with their owners. They are very vocal birds and enjoy mimicking their owners’ sounds and words. They are also known to be good climbers and enjoy exploring their environment.

When it comes to their diet, Kakariki Green parakeets are primarily herbivores. They enjoy a variety of fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, and leafy greens. They also consume seeds and nuts, which provide them with essential fats and protein.

Feeding habits

Kakariki Green parakeets are active eaters and require frequent meals throughout the day. They prefer to eat small amounts of food at regular intervals, rather than one or two large meals. Owners should offer a varied diet and avoid feeding them only seeds or pellets, as this can lead to health problems.

Owners should also provide their parakeets with clean water at all times, and change it frequently to prevent bacteria growth. It is recommended to use an automatic dispenser to ensure a constant supply of fresh water.

Social interactions

Kakariki Green parakeets are social birds and thrive in the company of other birds or their owners. They enjoy playing and interacting with others, and require plenty of attention to avoid feeling lonely or bored. They may become aggressive or destructive if left alone for long periods of time.

Owners should provide their parakeets with plenty of toys and activities to keep them stimulated, such as climbing structures, ropes, and puzzle toys. They can also be taught tricks and trained to perform simple behaviours through positive reinforcement training.

Breeding and Reproduction

Kakariki Greens are socially monogamous, forming pair bonds that can last several years. Breeding season for these parakeets typically runs from August to December, and females can lay up to 8 eggs per clutch.

To attract a mate, male Kakariki Greens will perform elaborate displays, including courtship dances and vocalizations. Once a pair has mated, they will work together to construct a nest in a tree cavity or other suitable location.

While the female is primarily responsible for incubating the eggs, both parents will help feed and care for their chicks once they hatch. Juvenile Kakariki Greens will leave the nest after around 4 weeks, but may remain dependent on their parents for several more weeks as they learn to forage for food and develop their flight skills.

Mating Rituals

Male Kakariki Greens will often perform a variety of behaviours to signal their interest to potential mates. These may include wing-flapping, head-bobbing, and bowing.

In addition to physical displays, males will also use vocalizations to attract females. These can range from simple chirps to more complex songs that incorporate a variety of notes and trills.

Nesting Preferences

Kakariki Greens prefer to nest in tree cavities, but they may also use other natural or artificial sites, such as nest boxes or hollow logs. The female parakeet will line the nest with a variety of materials, including grass, leaves, and feathers, to provide insulation and protection for her eggs.

It’s important to note that Kakariki Greens can be territorial during breeding season, so if you plan to keep a breeding pair, it’s best to provide a generously sized aviary with plenty of perches, nesting sites, and hiding places.

Threats and Conservation Status

The Kakariki Green parakeet, like many other bird species, faces a number of threats and challenges in the wild that have contributed to its declining population. One of the biggest threats to the Kakariki Green parakeet is habitat loss due to deforestation, land conversion for agricultural use, and urbanization. These activities have resulted in the fragmentation and degradation of the parakeet’s natural habitat, making it difficult for the birds to find suitable nesting sites and food sources.

Another significant threat to the Kakariki Green parakeet is the introduction of non-native species, such as rats and stoats, which prey on parakeet eggs, chicks, and adult birds. Competition for resources with other introduced species, such as possums and deer, also poses a threat to the parakeet’s survival.

Conservation Efforts

Due to these threats, the Kakariki Green parakeet is listed as a nationally endangered species in New Zealand. However, conservation efforts are underway to help protect and restore the parakeet population. These efforts include habitat restoration and predator control programs, as well as breeding and reintroduction programs to help boost the parakeet population numbers.

The New Zealand Government has implemented programs such as the Kakariki Recovery Plan, which aims to protect and restore the parakeet’s natural habitat, and the Battle for Our Birds initiative, which seeks to control the predators that threaten the parakeet and other endangered bird species.

The Kakariki Green parakeet is also bred in captivity, with some individuals being released back into the wild to help establish new populations. These breeding programs not only help to boost the population numbers but also provide valuable data on the breeding biology and behavior of the parakeet, which can be used to inform future conservation efforts.

What You Can Do

If you are interested in helping to protect the Kakariki Green parakeet and other endangered species, there are many ways you can get involved. Donating to conservation organizations or volunteering for habitat restoration and predator control programs can make a significant impact on the survival of these species. Additionally, supporting sustainable agriculture and forestry practices can also help to reduce habitat loss and fragmentation, which is a major threat to the Kakariki Green parakeet and other wildlife.

As a pet owner, you can also play a role in conservation efforts by choosing to adopt rescued birds rather than buying them from breeders or pet stores. This not only helps to reduce the demand for wild-caught birds but also supports the rehabilitation and release of injured or orphaned parakeets back into the wild.

Potential as a Pet

If you are thinking of keeping a Kakariki Green parakeet as a pet, there are a few things to consider before bringing one into your home. These bright and energetic birds make wonderful pets for those who are willing to provide them with proper care and attention.

Temperament: Kakariki Green parakeets are known for their friendly and curious personalities. They enjoy socializing with their human caretakers and thrive on attention. They are also very active and love to play, so it’s important to provide them with plenty of toys and a safe environment to explore.

Care requirements: Like all pets, Kakariki Green parakeets require daily care and attention. This includes providing them with a spacious cage, fresh water and food, and regular cleaning. They also need plenty of exercise and mental stimulation to stay healthy and happy. Some owners choose to let their birds out of the cage for supervised playtime each day, while others prefer to provide their birds with a large aviary or flight cage.

Special considerations: Kakariki Green parakeets are native to New Zealand and have specific dietary requirements that must be met in order for them to thrive as pets. They need a varied diet that includes a mix of seeds, fruits, vegetables, and protein sources such as cooked meats or eggs. It’s also important to provide them with plenty of fresh water and to monitor their health closely for any signs of illness or disease.

If you are willing to provide your Kakariki Green parakeet with the care and attention they need, they can make wonderful pets that will bring joy and companionship to your life for many years to come.

Training and Enrichment

Training and enriching the lives of Kakariki Green parakeets can be a rewarding and enjoyable experience. These intelligent birds thrive on mental stimulation and physical exercise, so it’s important to provide them with a stimulating and enriching environment.


Kakariki Green parakeets are intelligent birds that can be trained to do a variety of tricks and behaviours. Positive reinforcement techniques, such as clicker training, can be effective in teaching these birds new behaviours. Before starting any training, it’s important to build a strong bond with your bird through plenty of socialization and positive interactions.

One simple trick to teach your Kakariki Green parakeet is to step up onto your hand when called. Start by offering your hand with a treat on it and saying “step up”. Once your bird steps onto your hand, give them the treat and plenty of praise. Repeat this process several times a day until your bird responds consistently to the command.

Other tricks to teach your Kakariki Green parakeet include ringing a bell, playing dead, and retrieving objects.


Kakariki Green parakeets are active birds that need plenty of mental stimulation and physical exercise to stay happy and healthy. Providing a variety of toys and activities can keep these birds entertained and engaged.

Some enrichment ideas for Kakariki Green parakeets include:

  • Providing a variety of perches and materials to chew on
  • Offering food puzzles and foraging toys
  • Playing music or nature sounds for your bird
  • Providing access to natural sunlight and fresh air
  • Creating a bird-safe play area outside of the cage

It’s important to rotate toys and activities regularly to keep your bird engaged and prevent boredom.

Remember to always supervise your Kakariki Green parakeet during playtime and avoid any toys or materials that may be harmful to them.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

How long do Kakariki Green parakeets live?

On average, Kakariki Green parakeets can live for around 10 to 15 years in the wild. However, if kept as pets in captivity, they can live up to 20 years with proper care and attention.

Are Kakariki Green parakeets noisy?

Compared to other parrot species, Kakariki Green parakeets are generally quieter, but they can still make noise, especially during their active periods in the morning and evening.

What do Kakariki Green parakeets eat?

Kakariki Green parakeets are predominantly herbivores and enjoy a diet of fresh fruits, vegetables, seeds, and pellets. It is important to offer them a variety of foods to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients.

Can Kakariki Green parakeets talk?

Kakariki Green parakeets are not known for their talking abilities, but they can learn to mimic certain sounds and phrases with proper training and socialization.

Do Kakariki Green parakeets need companionship?

Yes, Kakariki Green parakeets are social birds and thrive in pairs or small flocks. If kept as a single pet, they will need plenty of interaction and attention from their human caregiver.

How can I tell if my Kakariki Green parakeet is sick?

Signs of illness in Kakariki Green parakeets include lethargy, loss of appetite, discharge from the eyes or nostrils, abnormal droppings, and changes in behaviour or appearance. It is important to seek veterinary care if you suspect your bird is unwell.

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