Comprehensive Guide on How to Train a Kakariki Parrot

how to train a kakariki parrot

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on how to train a Kakariki parrot. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about training your feathered friend, including understanding their behaviour, creating a positive training environment, basic training commands, clicker training, teaching fun tricks, handling challenges, socializing your parrot, establishing a training schedule, and troubleshooting common issues.

Training your Kakariki parrot can be a fun and rewarding experience for you and your feathered friend. However, it requires patience, consistency, and the right techniques. This comprehensive guide will cover everything you need to know to train your Kakariki parrot successfully. From understanding their behaviour to teaching basic commands and fun tricks, we will provide step-by-step instructions and practical tips for positive reinforcement training.

Before diving into the techniques and methods, it’s important to understand the benefits of training and positive reinforcement. Parrot training is not just about teaching your parrot a few tricks; it’s about building a strong bond and communication with your feathered companion, promoting mental and physical stimulation, and preventing behavioural problems.

Our guide will cover the following topics:

  • Understanding Kakariki Parrot Behavior
  • Creating a Positive Training Environment
  • Basic Training Commands for Kakariki Parrots
  • Clicker Training for Kakariki Parrots
  • Teaching Fun Tricks to Kakariki Parrots
  • Handling Challenges in Parrot Training
  • Socializing Your Kakariki Parrot
  • Establishing a Training Schedule for Kakariki Parrots
  • Troubleshooting Common Training Issues

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways:

  • Training your Kakariki parrot requires patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement techniques.
  • Understanding your parrot’s behaviour and instincts is essential for successful training.
  • Creating a comfortable and safe training environment promotes learning and prevents stress and anxiety.
  • Teaching basic commands and fun tricks strengthens the bond between you and your parrot and provides mental and physical stimulation.
  • Consistency in training schedules and socialization with other people and animals promote a well-adjusted and happy parrot.

Understanding Kakariki Parrot Behaviour

Kakariki parrots are intelligent and social creatures that exhibit a wide range of instinctual and learned behaviours. Understanding these behaviours is essential to establishing a healthy and fulfilling relationship with your feathered friend.

Natural Instincts: In the wild, Kakariki parrots live in flocks, relying on one another for socialization, safety, and foraging. As a result, they have evolved into social creatures that require much stimulation and interaction. Additionally, they are natural climbers and fliers, and need ample space and opportunities for exercise.

Social Behaviour: In captivity, providing your Kakariki parrot with opportunities for socialization is essential. This includes spending time interacting with them daily, as well as introducing them to new people and environments. Socialization helps to prevent loneliness, boredom, and, ultimately, behavioural issues such as feather plucking, aggression, or destructive behaviour.

Communication Methods: Parrots, including Kakariki parrots, use a variety of vocalizations and body language to communicate messages. These may range from calls indicating hunger or thirst to aggressive displays communicating discomfort or warning signals. Understanding your parrot’s body language and vocalizations is essential to interpreting their needs and desires.

Common Behavioural Issues: Kakariki parrots may exhibit various behavioural issues, such as biting, screaming, or plucking their feathers. These behaviours may result from boredom, anxiety, or lack of socialization. Addressing these issues promptly is essential, using positive reinforcement and patience to encourage desired behaviours.

Understanding Kakariki Parrot Behaviour Summary

Kakariki parrots are intelligent and social creatures that require ample stimulation, interaction, and socialization. Understanding their behaviour and communication methods is essential to establishing a healthy relationship and preventing behavioural issues.

Creating a Positive Training Environment

Establishing a comfortable and safe training space is essential for successful parrot training. Here are some parrot training techniques to help create a positive environment:

Choose the Right SpotChoose an area that’s quiet, free of distractions, and where your Kakariki parrot feels safe and comfortable.
Get the Right ToolsUse appropriate and safe training tools, such as clickers, treats, perches, toys, and a training stand.
Use Positive ReinforcementReward desired behaviour with treats, praise, or playtime. This will encourage your parrot to continue with the desired action.
Set a Consistent Training ScheduleTraining sessions should be short, regular, and scheduled simultaneously each day. You can use an egg timer or a clock to keep track of time.
Keep it SafeEnsure safety by removing hazardous objects or chemicals from the training area, and supervising your parrot. Also, avoid training that could scare or hurt your parrot, such as shouting or physical punishment.

Creating a positive environment is important for both you and your Kakariki parrots. It helps create a bond and strengthens your relationship, making training easier and more enjoyable.

Using these parrot training techniques and incorporating positive reinforcement will create a comfortable and safe space for your parrot to learn and thrive.

Basic Training Commands for Kakariki Parrots

Teaching basic commands is one of the first steps in training your Kakariki parrot. It establishes a foundation for effective communication and helps build trust between you and your feathered friend. Here are some step-by-step instructions on how to teach your Kakariki parrot basic commands using positive reinforcement techniques.

Step Up

The “Step Up” command teaches your Kakariki parrot to step onto your hand or a perch when prompted. Here’s how:

  1. Place your hand or a perch in front of your Kakariki parrot and say “Step Up” in a clear and upbeat voice.
  2. If your parrot steps onto your hand or perch, reward it with a treat and plenty of praise.
  3. If your parrot does not step up, gently apply pressure to its lower abdomen with your other hand while repeating the “Step Up” command. Once it steps up, reward it with a treat and praise.
  4. Repeat this process several times daily until your Kakariki parrot responds consistently to the “Step Up” command.


When prompted, the “Stay” command teaches your Kakariki parrot to stay in one place. Here’s how:

  1. Ask your Kakariki parrot to step onto your hand or a perch.
  2. Hold your hand or perch steady and say “Stay” in a clear and firm voice.
  3. If your parrot moves, gently place it back in the original position and repeat the “Stay” command.
  4. Once your parrot stays in place for a few seconds, reward it with a treat and plenty of praise.
  5. Gradually increase the duration of the “Stay” command over time.


The “Recall” command teaches your Kakariki parrot to come to you when called. Here’s how:

  1. Ask your Kakariki parrot to step onto your hand or perch.
  2. Take a few steps back and say “Come” clearly and enthusiastically.
  3. If your parrot does not respond, hold out a treat to encourage it to come towards you.
  4. Once your parrot reaches you, reward it with the treat and plenty of praise.
  5. Gradually increase the distance between you and your parrot over time.

Other Commands

In addition to the commands outlined above, you can also teach your Kakariki parrot other useful commands such as “Turn Around,” “Wave Hello,” and “Speak.” The key to teaching these commands is to break them down into small, manageable steps and use positive reinforcement techniques throughout the process. With patience and persistence, your feathered friend will be a pro in no time!

Clicker Training for Kakariki Parrots

Clicker training is a highly effective technique that uses positive reinforcement to train parrots, including Kakariki parrots. The concept of clicker training is based on the simple principle of associating a distinct sound (the click) with a reward (a treat or verbal praise).

You will need a clicker and some small treats to start clicker training. The clicker should be a distinct sound that your parrot can easily differentiate from other sounds. It can be any small handheld device that makes a clicking noise, or you can even use a pen with a retractable tip.

Begin by introducing the clicker to your Kakariki parrot. Click the device once and immediately offer your bird a treat. Repeat this process several times until your parrot associates the sound of the click with receiving a reward.

Once your parrot has learned to associate the click with a reward, you can use the clicker to shape specific behaviours. For example, if you want your bird to learn to step up onto your finger, you can click and treat it every time it moves towards your hand. Eventually, your parrot will learn that moving towards your hand results in a click and a treat and will begin to offer the behaviour more consistently.

Remember to keep training sessions short and positive. Clicker training should always be a fun and rewarding experience for your Kakariki parrot. Be patient and consistent in your training; you will see great results.

Teaching Fun Tricks to Kakariki Parrots

Kakariki parrots are intelligent birds that love to learn new things. Teaching them tricks not only stimulates their minds, but it also strengthens the bond between you and your feathered friend. Here are step-by-step instructions on teaching some fun tricks.


Teaching your Kakariki parrot to fetch is a great way to exercise their natural retrieval instincts. Start by introducing a small toy or ball they can easily pick up with their beak. Toss the toy a short distance and encourage them to retrieve it. Once they have the toy in their beak, use positive reinforcement by praising and offering a treat. Repeat this process, gradually increasing the distance the toy is thrown.

Turning Around

Teaching your Kakariki parrot to turn around is a simple trick that can be achieved using positive reinforcement. Start by holding a treat in your hand and luring them to follow it in a circle. As they complete the circle, offer the treat and praise them. Repeat this process until they can turn around without the lure.

Playing Dead

This trick requires a little more patience and time, but it’s fun to teach. Start by having your Kakariki parrot lay on its back in your hand or on a soft surface. Gently hold their feet and wait for them to relax. Once they are still and relaxed, use positive reinforcement by praising and offering a treat. Repeat this process, gradually increasing the time they remain in the ‘playing dead’ position.

Remember, teaching tricks to your Kakariki parrot requires patience and consistency. Always use positive reinforcement to encourage desired behaviour and avoid punishment or negative reinforcement. With time and practice, your feathered friend will be a pro at performing tricks!

Handling Challenges in Parrot Training

Training a Kakariki parrot can be challenging, and it’s essential to understand that setbacks may occur. However, you can overcome these obstacles with patience and persistence and ensure a successful training experience for you and your feathered friend. Here are some parrot training tips and techniques to handle common challenges:


Biting is an instinct for parrots and can be a common problem during training. If your Kakariki parrot bites you, it’s important to remain calm and avoid reacting aggressively, which can reinforce the behaviour. Instead, gently remove your hand and redirect your parrot’s attention to a toy or treat. Consistent positive reinforcement can help reduce biting over time.


Screaming is another common issue that parrot owners face during training. Kakariki parrots are known for vocal abilities, and excessive screaming can become a nuisance. To address this issue, it’s crucial to identify the triggers that cause your parrot to scream. Creating a noise-free environment, spending enough time with your bird, and providing adequate mental and physical stimulation can help reduce this behaviour.

Stubborn Behavior

Some Kakariki parrots may display stubborn behaviour during training, such as refusing to step up or perform a command. In this case, avoiding forcing your bird to comply is essential, as this can create negative associations with training. Instead, try breaking down the behaviour into smaller steps and provide adequate positive reinforcement for each successful attempt. Patience and consistency are key to overcoming stubborn behaviour.


Consistency is paramount when training a Kakariki parrot. Ensure everyone interacting with your bird follows the same training techniques, as inconsistency can confuse and hinder progress. Maintaining a consistent training schedule is essential, avoiding long breaks between sessions, which can lead to forgetfulness and setbacks.

Positive Reinforcement

Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for parrot training and can help address many challenges. By rewarding desired behaviour with treats, praise, and attention, you can strengthen the bond between you and your Kakariki parrot and encourage them to repeat the behaviour. Avoid negative reinforcement, such as punishment or physical force, which can damage trust and lead to aggressive behaviour.

Training a Kakariki parrot takes time and patience; every bird is unique. By understanding their behaviour, creating a positive training environment, and following the tips and techniques outlined in this guide, you can build a strong bond with your feathered friend and enjoy a successful training experience.

Socializing Your Kakariki Parrot

Socialization is an essential aspect of training your Kakariki parrot. This involves introducing your parrot to new people, animals, and environments, promoting positive social interactions, and preventing aggression or fear.

When introducing your parrot to new people, please encourage them to approach your bird slowly and calmly. Avoid sudden movements or loud noises that may startle your parrot. Offer your bird a treat or favourite toy to create a positive association with the new person.

Introducing your bird to other animals should be done gradually and under close supervision. Make sure your other pets are well-behaved and will not harm your parrot. You can start by allowing them to see each other from a distance and gradually move closer over time.

Creating a positive social environment also means providing plenty of opportunities for your parrot to interact with you and other family members. Parrots are highly social animals, and they thrive on attention and affection. Spend time playing with your bird and offering verbal praise and physical affection.

Positive reinforcement is a vital tool in socializing your Kakariki parrot. Whenever your bird behaves appropriately in a new situation, offer a treat or verbal praise to encourage positive behaviour. If your bird shows signs of fear or aggression, remove them from the situation immediately and try again later.

Training Tips for Socializing Your Parrot

1. Start socializing your bird at a young age to create positive associations with new people, animals, and environments.

2. Gradually introduce your parrot to new situations and environments to prevent fear and aggression.

3. Provide plenty of opportunities for your bird to socialize with you and other family members.

4. Use positive reinforcement to encourage positive behaviour and discourage negative behaviour.

5. Never force your parrot to socialize or interact with someone or something they are afraid of or uncomfortable with.

Establishing a Training Schedule for Kakariki Parrots

Establishing a consistent and structured training schedule is one of the most critical aspects of training a Kakariki parrot. Parrots thrive on routine and predictability, and having a set training schedule can help them feel safe, secure, and stimulated.

When creating a training schedule for your Kakariki parrot, balancing mental and physical activities is crucial. Mental stimulation can come from learning new commands and tricks, playing with toys, and exploring their environment. On the other hand, physical stimulation involves activities such as flying, stretching, and climbing.

Consider your Kakariki parrot’s age, personality, and energy levels when designing your training schedule. For example, younger birds may require more physical activities, while older birds prefer mental stimulation. Similarly, some parrots may be highly energetic and require more intense training sessions, while others may prefer shorter, more frequent training sessions spread throughout the day.

When planning your training schedule, it’s also important to allow for rest days. Just like humans, parrots need time to rest and recover. Avoid overworking your parrot, which can lead to boredom, frustration, and even physical exhaustion.

Overall, a well-planned training schedule that includes regular training sessions, rest days, and a healthy balance of mental and physical activities can keep your Kakariki parrot engaged, happy, and eager to learn.

Handling Challenges in Parrot Training

Training a parrot, including Kakariki parrots, can sometimes be challenging. Despite following the best parrot training methods and tips, birds can have their personalities, moods, and temperaments, making training difficult. However, overcoming challenges is possible with patience, consistency, and understanding of their behaviour.

Here are some common issues that might arise during parrot training and some tips to address them:


Parrot bites can be painful and discouraging, but they are a common behavioural issue that can be addressed with persistence and the right approach. When a Kakariki parrot bites, it’s essential to avoid reacting with aggression or fear since this can reinforce the behaviour. Instead, redirect its attention to a toy or treat, and reward positive behaviour with praise and treats.


Parrots are vocal animals and might scream for various reasons, such as boredom, attention seeking, or expressing fear or frustration. Consistency and positive reinforcement techniques can help to control parrot screaming. Reward your bird for quiet behaviour; ignore it when it’s screaming. Try to identify the reason for the screaming and address it, such as providing more toys or social interaction.

Stubborn Behaviour

Parrots can be intelligent and independent, leading to stubbornness during training sessions. Avoid using punishment or force to motivate your bird, which can lead to fear and mistrust. Instead, try to make training sessions more engaging and fun, using treats, toys, and positive reinforcement. Break down complex tasks into smaller steps and tackle them gradually.

Remember that each bird is unique, and overcoming these challenges might take time and patience. Consistency, positive reinforcement, and a calm, patient approach are essential for successful parrot training.

Understanding Kakariki Parrot Behavior

Before beginning any training, it’s important to understand the behaviour of Kakariki parrots. These birds are naturally spontaneous and social creatures, often requiring consistent attention and interaction from their caregivers. Understanding their communication methods and common behavioural issues such as screaming or biting, will help you to communicate more effectively with your parrot.

Creating a Positive Training Environment

Establishing a positive training environment is crucial for a successful training experience. Providing a comfortable and safe space for your bird, selecting appropriate training treats and tools, and setting consistent training schedules will increase their willingness to train and learn new behaviours. Positive reinforcement techniques such as verbal praise and treats will also encourage good behaviour and discourage negative behaviour.

Basic Training Commands for Kakariki Parrots

Learning basic commands such as “step up” and “stay” is essential for effective communication with your Kakariki parrot. Using positive reinforcement techniques such as offering treats and verbal praise, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to teach these commands and other essential training behaviours.

Clicker Training for Kakariki Parrots

Clicker training is an effective method for training parrots, including Kakariki parrots. This section will explain how clicker training works, how to introduce the clicker to your bird, and how to shape desirable behaviours using this technique.

Teaching Fun Tricks to Kakariki Parrots

Training your parrot to perform fun tricks such as fetching or playing dead stimulates their minds and strengthens the bond between the bird and the caregiver. Using positive reinforcement techniques, we will provide step-by-step instructions on how to teach your Kakariki parrot these tricks.

Handling Challenges in Parrot Training

Training a parrot, including a Kakariki parrot, can sometimes be challenging. This section will address common obstacles such as biting, screaming, and stubborn behaviour. Effective strategies to overcome these challenges will be discussed, including modifying training techniques and seeking professional help.

Socializing Your Kakariki Parrot

Socialization is vital for a well-adjusted and happy Kakariki parrot. This section will guide you in introducing your parrot to new people, animals, and environments, promoting positive social interactions, and preventing aggression or fear. Using positive reinforcement techniques and consistent training, socialization can be a positive experience for the bird and the caregiver.

Establishing a Training Schedule for Kakariki Parrots

Consistency is vital in parrot training, and establishing a regular training schedule can help to maintain that consistency. This section will guide you in creating a schedule that includes regular training sessions, rest days, and a balance between mental and physical activities to keep your Kakariki parrot engaged and motivated.

Troubleshooting Common Training Issues

This section will address common training issues such as lack of motivation, distraction, and incorrect behaviour. We will discuss overcoming these problems and adjusting your training techniques accordingly, including seeking professional help.


Training a Kakariki parrot requires patience, consistency, and a positive reinforcement approach. By understanding their behaviour, creating a positive training environment, and using effective training techniques such as clicker training and teaching fun tricks, you can strengthen your bond with your feathered friend and provide them with mental and physical stimulation. Remember to stay consistent with your training schedule, socialize with your parrot, and seek professional help if necessary. With these tips and techniques, you will be well on your way to training a happy and well-behaved Kakariki parrot!


Q: Why is training important for Kakariki parrots?

A: Training is important for Kakariki parrots because it helps stimulate their minds, prevent boredom, build trust and communication, and create a well-behaved and happy pet.

Q: What are the benefits of positive reinforcement for parrots?

A: Positive reinforcement, such as rewards and praise, is a gentle and effective training method that promotes desired behaviours and strengthens the bond between you and your Kakariki parrot.

Q: What are some essential techniques and tips for parrot training?

A: Some essential techniques and tips for parrot training include starting with basic commands, using clicker training, providing appropriate treats, establishing a consistent training schedule, and being patient and consistent in your approach.

Q: What should I know about Kakariki parrot behaviour?

A: It’s important to understand Kakariki parrot behaviour, including their instincts, social behaviour, communication methods, and common behavioural issues that may arise during training.

Q: How can I create a positive training environment for my Kakariki parrot?

A: Creating a positive training environment involves providing a comfortable and safe space, selecting appropriate training tools and treats, and setting consistent training schedules to establish a positive association with training sessions.

Q: What are some basic training commands for Kakariki parrots?

A: Basic training commands for Kakariki parrots include “step up,” “stay,” “recall,” and more. These commands can be taught using positive reinforcement techniques to encourage desired behaviours.

Q: What is clicker training, and how can I use it with my Kakariki parrot?

A: Clicker training is a method that uses a clicker to mark desired behaviours, which is then followed by a reward. This technique can be used with Kakariki parrots to shape behaviours and enhance communication.

Q: How can I teach fun tricks to my Kakariki parrot?

A: Teaching fun tricks to your Kakariki parrot can be an enjoyable experience. Tricks such as fetching, turning around, and playing dead can be taught using step-by-step instructions and positive reinforcement techniques.

Q: What challenges can I expect in parrot training, and how can I handle them?

A: Challenges in parrot training can include biting, screaming, and stubborn behaviour. Effective strategies to handle these challenges include identifying the cause, using redirection techniques, and providing appropriate outlets for natural behaviours.

Q: How can I socialize my Kakariki parrot?

A: Socializing your Kakariki parrot involves introducing them to new people, animals, and environments in a positive and controlled manner. This helps promote positive social interactions and prevents aggression or fear in social situations.

Q: How can I establish a training schedule for my Kakariki parrot?

A: Establishing a training schedule for your Kakariki parrot involves regular training sessions, rest days, and a balance between mental and physical activities. Consistency in training is important for effective learning and behaviour development.

Q: What can I do if I encounter common training issues?

A: Common training issues such as lack of motivation or distractions can be addressed by adjusting your training techniques, providing higher-value rewards, minimizing distractions, and breaking down complex tasks into smaller steps.

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